Conducting Productive Performance Reviews
By Michael Sullivan | Posted December 17, 2014
Human resources professionals maintain that properly conducted performance appraisals are vital to organizational productivity and growth as well as the professional development of employees.Your Malpractice Insurance Covers More Than You Think
By Gregg Moore | Posted November 5, 2014
Your medical professional liability policy can help you understand and mitigate your professional and regulatory liability exposures, and in some cases, even increase practice revenues.Current Trends in Healthcare Design
By Jennifer Turner | Posted October 1, 2014
These days we are able to visit small clinic settings rather than spending a day at the hospital. One of the current trends is to create a clinic with a residential feel.ECM & EHR: The Basics
By Mark Rigsbee | Posted September 30, 2014
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is vital to electronic healthcare records (EHR), and their contribution to technology is unparalleled.The Value of Document Scanning
By Mark Rigsbee | Posted February 11, 2014
Digital scanning not only frees up a huge amount of square footage that would otherwise be devoted to boxes and file cabinets, but it also enables lightning-fast computerized searches.Patient Satisfaction Surveys
By Deborah Wilkins | Posted January 11, 2014
While patient opinion is purely subjective, its potential value as a guide in practice management makes an attempt to objectively measure patient satisfaction a worthwhile exercise for any practice.